Sunday, May 30, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Don't settle for less

Ladies, don't ever settle for less in a love relationship. Don't worry about things that don't come naturally. If a man wants to be with you, nothing will keep him away, and if he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Don't live your life waiting for a man before you find what truly makes you happy. Don't ever let a man define who you are. You should look for someone who compliments you, not completes you. A relationship consists of two whole individuals. God made you in his image and gave you a priceless value. If a man doesn't respect you, cherish you, speak life to you, then he doesn't deserve you. Be fully responsible for yourself and your own fulfillment and happiness. Make choices that are aligned with who you are and what you want in your life. Be someone worthy of the best. Don't cheapen yourself. Think that you deserve it - because you do.

I'm a strong believer in doing things that make you feel good about yourself. Always believe you are beautiful. Think beautiful and live beautiful. Walk on the street and feel beautiful. Hold your head up high, toss your hair, and take a deep breath. Understand that the most important part of beauty comes from within. Outer beauty fades through time, but inner beauty is what lasts throughout your whole life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Things I would like to do when I return home:

1. Make a bonfire & eat tons of s'mores
2. Go fishing & catch something to bring back home for dinner
3. Buy a new cowgirl hat & go crazy at a country concert
4. Shop for a motorcycle
5. Plant a garden in front of my new apartment
6. Find a new apartment to plant my garden in front of
7. Enjoy a nice hot coffee from Tim Horton's
8. Go on a road trip to a place I've never been before
9. Complete the Air Force half marathon I'm signed up to run in September
10. Finish filling up my calendar with weddings to video tape for the year 2010!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We live by faith, not by sight.
-2 Corinthians 5:7

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10k fun run

The Air Force is having a 10k fun run, and I've decided to participate in it.
My only hope is that this 10k fun run doesn't turn into a 10"k I'm going to pass out" run.
We shall see!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thoughtful gestures

I always find that being kind to others not only feels good and benefits other people, but it tends to spread as those who receive an act of kindness often pay it forward.

Today I received an awesome care package from Cristine Viggiano. It had all sorts of goodies in it. Pringles, Sunkist gummies, water drink mix, gum, & yummy flavored lip gloss. First off, the guys went wild when they saw the pringles. I think they lasted for a whole 2 hours. Second, how did you know peach flavored drink mix is my favorite? That's all I've been living off of over here. And third, that nerd flavored lip gloss - I can not stop licking my lips. I'm afraid someones going to accuse me for sexual harassment because of it.

To top it off she wrote me the most hilarious letter I have ever read in my entire life. My favorite part was when she described to me how she introduced her 2 weeks old son to her crazy old neighbors by knocking on their door. "They are hard of hearing so Harold screams through the door 'Hold on, just a minute' then you hear him yell 'TERRY! someones at the door and I'm undressed!'"

Thank you for thinking of me, Cristine. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Getting mail is the only thing I look forward to these days. Keep an eye out for the letter I'm about to send you!

Yours truly,


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Question of the day

Inventor: Christopher Wagner
What: Detachable bulletproof air conditioned vest
Purpose: To cool down overheated, sweaty soldiers like myself.
Question: To buy or not to buy?
Decision made by: My commander
Decision so far: Still pending

Monday, May 10, 2010

Love never fails by Brandon Heath

Brandon Heath is one of my favorite Christian singers. This song really hits home. If you get a chance, I recommend listening to it.

Love is not proud
Love does not boast
Love after all
Matters the most

Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep
Locked inside
Love is the river that flows through
Love never fails you

Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease
At the end of time

Love will protect
Love always hopes
Love still believes
When you don’t

Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you

When my heart won’t make a sound
When I can’t turn back around
When the sky is falling down
Nothing is greater than this
Greater than this

Love is right here
Love is alive
Love is the way
The truth the life

Love is the river than flows through
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you

Friday, May 7, 2010

Operation reflective belt

Where I am stationed, there are very few rules. One of them being you must wear a reflective belt at all times once the sun begins to set. Now for those of you that have driven on an Air Force Base before, you know that the speed limit is beyond slow. Unless you're walking at the speed of a snail, it's practically impossible to get hit by a vehicle. So why reflective belts are mandated to wear, I'm really not sure, but for the next 3 months this is what my life has become.

As if I didn't stand out like a sore thumb already (out of the 11,000 people here on base, only 1,000 of them are females) I just so happen to have a purple reflective belt. I brought it from home with the intention that anything to make me feel pretty while in uniform was worth bringing. Right? because let's be honest, between lip gloss, and reflective belts, that's all I really have going for me right now. Turns out you can find every color you could ever think of here in reflective belts EXCEPT for the color purple. Red, blue, yellow, green, white, orange, even pink, but no purple.

With all that said, since I've been here I've had multiple people make an effort to come up to me and ask if they could either buy or trade my reflective belt. To my humor, I decline every time.

So as if my pale, glow in the dark skin didn't cut it already, I'm thankful for my little purple reflective belt that has made me a lot of new friends since I've been here. I think it's safe to say that sometimes it's the little things in life that matter.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Getting acquainted with my surroundings

Just cruising on a sunny day:

My roommate loading the airplane:

A bunch of the guys loading luggage:

Me & part of my squadron:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Proverbs 3:23-26

"Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep they foot from being taken"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dear sandstorm

Dear sandstorm,

I do not like you.
You make my face burn,
You make my hands sweat.
You make my mouth dry.
And you sometimes even make me want to cry.

When your gusts try to crush me with the door as I'm getting into the truck,
I just try to brush it off and blame it on my bad luck.
But then when you whip me in the face with a trash can lid,
I can't help but get angry like a 7 year old kid.

Can you please leave me alone?
Can you bother someone else?
Because quite frankly,
I'm getting sick of all these welts.

Your enemy,


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Free Cup 'O Joe

The heat here is insane, but it's really not all that bad when I close my eyes and pretend I'm on vacation. We hit the 100 degree mark just the other day, and the sand's so white that you practically can't open your eyes unless you have sunglasses on when you're outside.

I got to work with the airplanes for the past couple of days. I got to unload them, and hang around the flight line for a little bit. I had the chance to meet some pilots. They told me some of their flying experiences, and let me tell you, they're absolutely mind-blowing.

I live in a camper where my room is probably the same size of a closet. I share with one other person. Her name's Sabrina. Our bathroom is located outside the camper, where were only allowed to take 5 minute showers. They call them "battle" showers. The food here is pretty decent. It's no Buffalo chicken wings, but it'll do for now.

I work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, with only one day off. Saturday is my day to kick back, and relax. Your todays, are my yesterdays, meaning I am 7 hours ahead.

I miss everyone dearly, and wish I were home, but if there's one thing I don't want to do while I'm here is be negative about this whole experience. So because of that, I'm learning daily how to pick out the little positive things about this place. For instance, every morning I have some stranger from around the world donate a "cup o' joe" from this website: to the Green Beans Coffee Shop (trailer) that happens to be right next to where I work. For that, I'm thankful.

All in all, God is good, and I am very blessed.

Yours truly,