Saturday, May 1, 2010

Free Cup 'O Joe

The heat here is insane, but it's really not all that bad when I close my eyes and pretend I'm on vacation. We hit the 100 degree mark just the other day, and the sand's so white that you practically can't open your eyes unless you have sunglasses on when you're outside.

I got to work with the airplanes for the past couple of days. I got to unload them, and hang around the flight line for a little bit. I had the chance to meet some pilots. They told me some of their flying experiences, and let me tell you, they're absolutely mind-blowing.

I live in a camper where my room is probably the same size of a closet. I share with one other person. Her name's Sabrina. Our bathroom is located outside the camper, where were only allowed to take 5 minute showers. They call them "battle" showers. The food here is pretty decent. It's no Buffalo chicken wings, but it'll do for now.

I work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, with only one day off. Saturday is my day to kick back, and relax. Your todays, are my yesterdays, meaning I am 7 hours ahead.

I miss everyone dearly, and wish I were home, but if there's one thing I don't want to do while I'm here is be negative about this whole experience. So because of that, I'm learning daily how to pick out the little positive things about this place. For instance, every morning I have some stranger from around the world donate a "cup o' joe" from this website: to the Green Beans Coffee Shop (trailer) that happens to be right next to where I work. For that, I'm thankful.

All in all, God is good, and I am very blessed.

Yours truly,


  1. Free coffee rocks!!! That is so wonderful that they do that for you...our troops deserve it!
